GATHAPRAYA 👺 Festival budaya SMAN 3 Bandung is an annual event organized by SMAN 3 Bandung students starting from 2014 at the inaugural Festival of Arts, Literature and Culture : Matswapati 2014 wich has tagline " Know Your Culture, Love Your Country" . This festival is held to cultivate the love of tradisional arts and culture to the community across generations, to remind that the art of culture is the ownership that is the joint responsibility to mantain, preserve and develop it. in 2015, SMAN 3 Bandung returns with the next festival, the Festival of Arts, Literature and Culture: Megantara 2016 with the tagline "Cultural Sheen Sinari Nusantara". SMAN 3 Bandung keep trying to spread the spirit of love of Indonesia Culture every year, with different concept, but with a goal that is equally. So this year SMAN 3 Bandung proudly present Gathapraya 2017, is a kind pf culture Festival which is meant not only for entertainment, but also for the mos...